Have you heard about Dial-911 or did you come upon the application when exploring the newest games in your app store? In both cases, there is no doubt, Dial-911 has caught your eye! So, why not go ahead and save the people of your country like thoursands of other players ?!
Before telling you about the steps that you’ll have to go through to launch your game, it seems essential to briefly explain the concept of Dial-911!
Your goal: drive out the most appropriate professionals depending on the situation: firemen, police officers, other types of agents … One, two or even three cars … Your mission consists in managing the crisis before things become of paramount importance. In other words, you are the Chief of Brigade, the tour operator, the person who decides how things must be managed. So, concretely, how does it work?
Start by creating an account, no need to say. Choose a nice nickname, a password that would give a bit of trouble to a dishonest player who would like to hack your account and enter your email address. All good ? In these case, you can begin to play!
First step: choose the city in which you wish to play. Yes, you read correctly ! Once enrolled, a map will appear. Click on the “search” button (the magnifying glass) to find your city on the map. All done ? Very good. It is now time to choose with who you want to work! The firefighters or the police. For the example, we will say that you have chosen the police.
Second step: build your first police office! You are, at the beginning of your game, credited with coins and notes. These will enable you to build your buildings. Press the building button and select the building of your choice. You must know that your notes have the power to speed up the foundation of your construction.
All good? Perfect. You can now start playing. “Dringggggggggg”, your phone/pad is ringing? This means that your first mission is about to begin! Press the small orange triangle button at the bottom left of the screen. A window opens. This is your mission list. It’s type will be indicated (thief, fight, accident, etc …) as well as its level of difficulty. It is for you to choose whether to dive out agents or not. If you do, how many are appropriate?
Note that you start your game with only one car per establishment. It is your responsibility to buy more (thanks to your coins and / or notes) in order to be able to accept more missions and cover more ground!
Speaking of notes, they will be particularly useful, especially if you want to complete a task faster. No? You prefer to keep your money for something else? No problem. However, you will have to be a little more patient. You can see your mission progress thanks to the gauge located next to the mission’s title.
“And what do I do when I don’t have any coins or notes left? Knowing that I need that money to build new buildings, and to invest in new cars, I’ll be stuck fast, right? “. No, you wont! Each successful mission earns you coins. Neverthless, you must be more careful with your notes, because the game only offers you a few when you gain a level. If you want to give your game a boost, you can buy some. Notes are for sale. Prices start at 1.99 dollars.
“And that’s it? “. No, fortunately! At the top left of your screen, you should see a gauge and the number 1. This is your level. The more missions you accomplish, the higher your level will get. Your missions increase gradually as you gain experience. Note that your missions will also become more complex as you play. Makes things more thrilling, doesn’t it?!
No more missions at the present moment? In such case, why not use your time to upgrade your buildings? You will be able to buy a greater number of cars and cover more ground! You can also hire more staff! ” Staff ?! “. Absolutely, but we will get to that bit in Part 2 of “ready to play? “.
The bigger your buildings get, the more you can equip them with high-performance vehicles. You will be able to reach you missions faster, and you will therefore not need to spend as many of your notes!
Tip: to be (nearly) sure to succeed, and reduce the time spent on your mission, we advise you to pay attention to the distance between your vehicle and the reported incident. 1 mile, 500m, 200m … Time can work in your favor, or, conversely, against you. The faster you arrive on the scene, the more chances you have to accomplish your mission quickly and efficiently. Also, you must ask yourself if the problem for which you are called is of the police’s or the firemen’s responsibility.
You have just given orders to a team to intervene, but your phone/pad has rang again to alert you of the same mission? “But what’s going on? “That means your agents need help! If you have any vehicles available, we strongly recommend you to send a few other cars if you want to see your brigade succeed! Yes, some missions will give you more of a headache than others!
See you soon in Part 2 of “ready to play? ” for more tips and explanations!