1. English for use only in chat to avoid confusion.
2. No code 10 to use in the chat. They are not universal, not everyone is in the emergency department or understands them. They tend to confuse people.
3. Keep questions about the game in the help chat.
4. Keep all other topics in general discussion once you reach level 5.
5. Keep alliance chat in your alliance chat room.
6. Be respectful of other players.
7. No spamming the chat with repeated phrases or words. Don’t constantly chat about what your units are doing or every call you have.
8. If a moderator asks you to stop doing any of the above actions, do so without arguments. We will issue a warning for those listed above. If you choose to continue to do so, you will no longer be notified and will be immediately banned from the chat.


1. Don’t swear in the chat. Hell and the Devil are the only exceptions unless they’re targeting another player. This includes using symbols to replace letters in a sworn word.
2. No derogatory, racist or rude remarks or phrases.
3. No appeal.
4. You will not receive any warning for the above. These actions will result in an immediate ban.


If you got banned, you got banned for a reason. We do not ban people who do not deserve it. We would prefer not to ban anyone.
If your friend or alliance member gets banned, don’t start wondering why. The bans are not under discussion.
If you’ve been banned, purge your ban. Return to the discussion when the time is up. Don’t ask why you got banned. Learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat the behavior that stopped you in the first place. Please respect the moderators. Again, the bans are not open to discussion.

Any escalation or argument with moderators will give you a longer ban and developer involvement.
Please keep in mind that the moderators who help start the chat are volunteers. We cannot be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When we are, we will apply the rules set out above. We are players like you. Please show us respect. We will answer as many questions as possible, but keep in mind that this is not our primary responsibility. We also play the game like you and don’t just sit in the chat room trying to catch someone breaking the rules. There are a ton of players with a great wealth of knowledge about how the game works.

We do not violate your rights by asking you to follow the rules.
Inactive accounts are deleted at least once a year and at most once a month in accordance with French data protection laws.

Finally, I ask if someone is breaking the rules and no moderator seems to be on. Please do not engage with the person as this may make matters worse. Take note of the username and the nature of the violation or take a screenshot and let a moderator know when you can so we can take action.