If you thought it useful to come and read this article, i bet you are a bit lost on Dial-911 platform. All beginners need to be guided to enjoy a game in its entity. One must admit that it is far from always being easy to find first go what one’s looking for! In a previous article, we taught you how to start playing. Here we propose to explore the different tabs the game is made of in our company. The goal: to enable you to find what you are looking for without having to spend hours going throught the numerous screens of the game. Let’s go!
Dial-911’s first step: building!
You are at the beginning of the game and your first mission, before being able to save people, consists in putting up your buildings. To do this, simply go to the small button with an orange building on it, that you will find at the bottom right of your screen. Click on it. Right, you’re there? In this case, you should see a small screen on which you will find a button; the “build” button. Again, click. You should now see displayed in front of you a list of buildings that you can build. Select the one that inspires you the most. Obviously, the most expensive one will give you wider possibilities of action than the most cheaper one’s will (more vehicles, agents, etc …)
Money: the sinews of war!
You now have a building, but you have just seen that you will have to wait 8 hours before being able to use it. In other words, no mission will be proposed to you before your building is finished. Annoying, isn’t it !? Not really actually, because, fortunately, there is a solution that enables you to play straight away, without having to wait half a day. So what is it? Those of you who have read the previous article concerning the beginning of the game know how much money can be of great help in Dial-911’s. And it is thanks to your little green notes, which you will find at the top right of your screen that you will be able to make thing move. The game will offer you to finish your building in exchange of a certain amount of money. However, if you are here, you have probably already explored the game, and thus already spent all your notes. So, how can you get some more? To do this, click on the green gauge, which is, as we just pointed out, located at the top right, below the coin gauge, which will talk about later. The screen “Get Money” appears. You will just have to carry on reading to know what to do next … Indeed, you will have to buy them. However, one will admit that they are not very expensive!
“And what about the coins? “. The game is not composed of a screen dedicated to the coins for the simple reason that you cannot buy them. The game give you some every time you achieve a mission!
The missions: the nub
Your building is built? Okay, we can then move on to the mission screen. To see the missions that await you or the one’s that are in progress, click on the triangle (orange if you have missions going on or red if you are expected to take a decision) located at the bottom left of your screen. Same thing: click on it. You will then see your various missions come up. To send a squadron or help, simply click on the chosen mission and select the car that seems to be most appropriate.
The mission historic: a discret tab
At the top left of your screen is a gauge with a number. This is your level. Well, you probably already know that. However, did you know that it is interactive! This means that you can click on it. Yes ! So, what happens when you do? Press the button … A screen intitled “Mission Historic ” will appear before you. “But what is it for? “. With it, you can see how much money each mission brang you in since the beginning of the game. You can find out which missions make you earn the most. Not bad, eh ?!
Chat, settings and search bar
The last three screens we still have to present to you are the chat, the settings and the search bar ones.
You will find the chat on the right of your screen. To view it, simply click on the small arrow located between the note gauge and the small gear. You’ve found it ? Great ! You can now exchange with the other gamers! Feel free to get to know them, they could teach you a lot of things !
We mentioned a “small gear”. This must surely remind you of the “Settings” tab. Well done! This is indeed the “Settings” screen. You can turn the sound on and off, remove ads, start your game over again or go to the log out screen if you wish!
The search bar is located on the left of your “building” tab. It allows you to look for another city and establish a new basis, and that, wherever you want!