Improvements to alliances
Information tab
In addition to the already modifiable type / description data, the head can also modify the minimum level and the entry price specified at the time of creation.
In order to add this information and avoid overloading the tab, the information of the player’s rank is removed from this screen, the information being already present in the members tab.
In the case of a minimum level change, there is no exclusion for members even if they no longer have the required level.
On the other hand, if these members leave the alliance, they will not be able to enter the alliance until they have the required level.
The cash flow information comes to take the place of the alliance setting that occupied plenty of room for just one option.
Set-up of cash: for the moment, it is a question of summing up the entry fees received by the alliance and adding the amount received following an alliance mission.
Members tab
The “see allies” setting is moved to the member tab, instead of the minimum level that is now on the first tab.
In the list of members of an alliance to be able to see if another member is connected or not
Vert: Online now
Orange: Active (deactivated but active within the last 30 days)
Red: Inactive (more than 30 days without connection)
If a player is excluded before 10 days of seniority in an alliance, the alliance makes half the amount required to enter the alliance.
Missions tab
When a player requests reinforcement for an intervention the alliance gains some point of xp and money.
When an alliance mission is over, if there is a player who has sent only unnecessary vehicles to the action then he will not touch any part.
On the launch tab of the alliance missions, you can filter the missions according to their service as for the vehicles on the mission window:
All members of the alliance who can launch a mission (chief and deputy therefore) also have the possibility to accelerate the appearance of a new mission of alliance by means of ticket …
An exclamation point as for reinforcement requests appears on the shop when a promotion is in progress.
Chat: keep the last 25 messages in the chat when logging in or reconnecting
In all messages, whether a message of alliance or not, we will now display the date and time
– When placing a building for its construction the first hour can cancel it and after 1h lose 30% of the price of the building.
– Complete list of vehicles, in fact it is coded like that from the beginning, it only displays the vehicles of which you have the extensions. To change to show all grayed out with or without extension
– Bug fixes at alliances level