As indicated in one of our previous articles in which we focused on the vehicles to unlock and the levels to reach, Dial 911 extensions are, in turn, necessary to evolve in the game and to acquire specific cars and trucks. In the same way, the acquisition of extensions makes it possible to multiply missions and earn more money. You have not yet had the opportunity to discover Dial 911’s extensions, their usefulness? You don’t know how to get them yet? Don’t panic! The editorial team answers all your questions in this new article.
Dial 911 extensions: what are they?
Before getting to the heart of the matter, it seems important, if not essential, to define what Dial 911 extensions are. The extensions of the game are specific to each management building. Yes, you read it right. Barracks, gendarmeries, police stations and hospitals are not affected by the extensions. These allow you, as a player, to acquire new vehicles. Cars and trucks that require you to purchase the prerequisite indicated next to their title before putting your agents behind their wheel. We advise you to take a look at the vehicles available for purchase in your management buildings to see which machines are accessible by purchasing an extension.
You must know that these new vehicles will allow you to take on new missions. Specific missions that generate more profit. Thus, and as you will have understood, Dial 911 extensions are fully-fledged investments that allow you to multiply your cash flow.
Note that Dial 911 extensions become available as you level up. Impossible to get them right away. You will have to be patient, and above all, persistent.
Dial 911 extensions: focus on police management
As indicated above, for each directorate, its own extensions. What about the police officers?
10.This is the number of extensions you will be able to unlock and buy for your police department. The workshop, the BAC, the motorized brigade and the Judicial Police are accessible to the player before level 30. As for the others, you will have to hold on a little longer and carry out as many missions as possible to quickly climb the ladder! Let us take a closer look at all of this.
Have you reached level 30? Very well. In this case, you should be able to acquire the command extension.
From level 40 onwards, you will be able to obtain the CIC, the information and command centre. But that’s not all. Indeed, you will also be able to take over the rapid intervention team.
When the player reaches level 50, he can buy the technical and scientific police. With a little extra patience and will, you will reach level 55 in no time at all, which will unlock your access to the NPIF, the national police intervention force.
The final step consists in reaching level 60 to get the RSC extension, the Republican Security Company. From that moment on, (almost) nothing and no one will be able to stop you!
Dial 911 extensions: focus on fire brigade direction
The extensions work in the same way for firefighters. What varies are the levels you need to reach to unlock them as you progress through the game. So, what will you be able to get soon?
The workshop and the command are available to the player before his ascent to level 30. So, remember to take a look at your extensions section when the time comes.
What about the other extensions?
From level 30, the Dial 911 player will be able to acquire the logistics and support extensions. Shortly afterwards, at level 35, the forest fire extension will be made available to you.
Have you reached level 40? Good news! Because, you can, from now on, get the 35M and specialty extensions.
The final stretch is coming faster than for the police. Indeed, once the player has reached level 45, he will have to invest in the last extension: special fires.
Dial 911 extensions: and what about the health department in all this?
In the same way as the fire and police departments, the health department is also equipped with extensions that feed your game.
Players will be happy to know that most of the extensions of the health department are unlocked before level 30. Yes, yes, you read it right. These are the ambulance, workshop and EMS extensions. Easy, isn’t it?
Other good news: you won’t have to wait long to unlock the last extension. Indeed, you will only have to reach level 30 to buy the command extension.
Which vehicles for which extensions?
You will now have understood: special vehicles require investment in the pre-required extensions to get them. But what vehicles and trucks are we talking about?
Among the police officers
Six vehicles and motorcycles require the purchase of extensions available before level 30 to be able to afford them. This is the case for TV, TC, BAC, OPJ and Motorcycle vehicles.
As mentioned above, they are easily accessible and you will only need a little perseverance to get them.
In the fire department
The case is similar on the fire brigade side. Because the necessary extensions for the purchase of special vehicles are available between level 25 and level 30.
We refer to VBS, VLHR, VTU, CCGC, EPC24, EPC18 and VLCG.
Dial 911 extensions: some details
In the same way as buildings and vehicles, extensions, in turn, need time to be operational. As you will have noticed, the buildings you buy, build, and the cars and trucks you buy take, on average, 8 hours to be ready for use. The rule remains the same for extensions. And, in the same way, you have the opportunity to accelerate their development. To do this, you will have to be willing to spend a few green notes, but it is well worth it! Yes, because your game will be greatly boosted. This new dynamic is reflected in the number of new missions that will be offered to you. Also, buying extensions is the best way to renew your game and give it a good boost. Because the purchase of extensions is one of the main ways to diversify your missions and discover the game in a different way. On the other hand, and by playing hard, you gamers will be aware of all the vehicles and their features. Newness is good, so let yourself be surprised!
To further explore the subject and make sure you have all the knowledge you need to progress as quickly as possible (especially regarding the purchase of vehicles, trucks, but also regarding their unlocking as the game progresses) we strongly recommend that you take a short 15-minute break to read our previous article entitled Dial 911: How to unlock the game’s elements?
It’s up to you now!
See you soon with the Gamorsec team for new gaming tips!